Traveling Boy/白鳥英美子
This traveling boy was only passing through
But he will always think of you

One night of love beside a strange young smile
As warm as I have known
A traveling boy and only passing through
But one who'll always think of you

Take my place out on the road again
I must do what I must do
Yes I know we were lovers
But a drifter discovers

I won't say that I'll be back again
But time will tell the tale
So no good-byes from one just passing through
But one who'll always think of you

Take my place out on the road again
I must do what I must do
Yes I know we were lovers
But a drifter discovers
That a perfect love won't always last forever

I won't say that I'll be back again
But time will tell the tale
So no good-byes from one just passing through
But one who'll always think of you
This traveling boy was only passing through
But I will always think of you



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